Need help using our online classes? Unemployment benefits? Finding food? Call a BCNC advisor!

 BCNC学生:使用我们的在线课程需要帮助吗? 申请失业救济金? 寻找食物? 致电BCNC顾问


Fred Bennett:

  • Call: (617)-918-7191 and leave a message!
  • or  e-mail to: 
 "I will call or e-mail back by next school day"

请致电617-918-7191并留言,或发送电子邮件至。 我将在下个上学日致电或发送电子邮件跟您联系。

Gillian Burleson: 

  • Call 617-635-5129 x1046 and leave a message. 
  • Email: 
  Will schedule individual appointments. Speaks Spanish and Russian. 

Karla Cox:

  Contact Monday-Friday 1-5 pm. Speaks Polish and Spanish.

Nicole Smith: 

  • Call or text 857-301-9060 
  • WeChat: Nicole_ES. 
  • Email: 
  Contact Monday, Thursday and Friday  12-4 p.m. 

Elise Kigner: 

  •  Call or text: 339-221-7894. 
  • Email: 
  Contact Monday-Thursday 9 a.m. - 6:30 p.m. Hablo español.

Aster Cheng: 

  • Call or text 857-285-3190 or 
  • WeChat: Aster_Che 
  • Email: 
  Contact Monday-Thursday 1-6pm. Speaks Cantonese. 講廣東話